Tim Leay, a proud Aussie farmer, recently embarked on a mission to find the perfect storage solution for his bales of hay. Tim's shed is a true reflection of his love for his farm and his country. It's not just a shed, it's a symbol of his Aussie pride! Not only is Tim thrilled with the aesthetic appeal of his shed, but he's also impressed by the quality and durability of the materials used in its construction.
This shed is manufactured in Australia, using premium materials that are built to withstand the harsh Australian weather conditions and protect his valuable hay from the elements. With his new Easyshed in place, Tim's got himself a dedicated and organised space to store his hay - safe and sound until it's needed for his livestock. The convenience and functionality of the shed have made Tim's farm operations smoother. Easyshed's meticulous design work ensured that Tim's bays were wide enough to manoeuvre his massive tractors in and out, but close enough to keep that shed as strong as an Ox.
With its sturdy construction and Aussie-made quality, Tim's shed is the ideal place to protect his hay from the elements.
Quoting is quick, easy and free, let's get some ideas on paper and build from there. Every dream starts with a mud map.